Our Projects

Here’s a quick overview of our new and ongoing education projects in this area. Each project is designed to address specific needs and improve the quality of education for students. Click on a project to learn more about how we provide support, from resources and infrastructure improvements to teacher training and student enrichment programs.

Nallathaneer Tamil Maha Vidayalayam

Radella Tamil Vidyalayam

Southam Tamil Maha Vidayalayam

Weywalhinna Tamil Vidayalayam

Kirivana Tamil Vidayalayam

Warriagala Tamil Vidayalayam

Sivashakthi Tamil Vidayalayam

Upper Galaha School

Little Valley Tamil Vidayalayam

Athavan Vidayalayam

Loolecondera Tamil Vidayalayam

Naranchinna Tamil Vidayalayam

Kirimetiya Tamil Vidayalayam

Kalaivani Tamil Vidayalayam

Abayam Free Tuition Centre (Galaha)

Abayam Free Tuition Centre (Sivapoomi Ashram)

Our 2024 Visit (Updates & News)

Nallathaneer Tamil Maha Vidayalayam

Location: Maskeliya

Date: March 2024

Project Type: New

Nallathaneer Tamil Maha Vidayalayam goes up A/L grade, with 20 teachers education 600 students.

There are currently, 34 O/L students and 16 A/L students.

During our visit, it was clear that they need more teachers across a variety of subjects to provide the students with the most well-rounded education.

Following our visit, we have decided to:

  1. Recruit an arts and dance teacher for Rs 5000/ month.
  2. A mathematics, science and english teacher, paying Rs 25000/ month.

Radella Tamil Vidyalayam

Location: Nanuoya

Date: March 2024

Project Type: New

Radella Tamil Vidyalam educates students up to grade 11, with 276 students instructed by 20 teachers. The school suffers from inadequate facilities and poor infrastructure, prompting us to assist with resources and improvements.

During our visit, they requested for the following:

  1. 100 tables and chairs for students
  2. 2 temporary class rooms
  3. 2 used computer for IT class for students
  4. A few white or green boards
  5. Photocopying support
  6. Stationary including exercise books, pen and pencils
  7. A smart board

We gave the school 240 exercise books.

Southam Tamil Maha Vidayalayam

Location: Demodara

Date: March 2024

Project Type: New

Southam Tamil Maha Vidayalayam is one of largest schools that we support in Sri Lanka with a totla of 750 students, going up A/L grade.

They have consistently been achieving good O/L results.

Following our visit, they we agreed to do the following:

  1. Provide exam papers for all O/L and A/L students every term which is a a total of RS 12000 per term.

Weywalhinna Tamil Vidayalayam

Location: Demodara

Date: March 2024

Project Type: New

After recently supporting this village’s volleyball team to compete at National Level in Colombo, we have decided to support a local school that teached up to O/L grade.

Last year, they had a 79% pass rate.

During our visit, we agreed to the following:

  1. Provide 19 students with 3 scholarship books each.
  2. Provide exam papers to O/L students.
  3. Provide food during extra classes for scholarship students.
  4. To repair the volleyball pitch.

Kirivana Tamil Vidayalayam Nillambe

Location: Galaha

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

We have been supporting Kirivana Tamil Vidayalayam Nillambe for a number of years.

Following our visit, we agreed to the following:

  1. Fund the water pipeline for drinking water.

Warriagala Tamil Vidayalayam

Location: Nillamba

Date: March 2024

Project Type: New

Warriagala Tamil Vidayalayam goes upp to O/L grade, with 14 teachers educating 127 students.

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

  1. Provide exercise books, teaching material.
  2. Grade 10/11 exam papers.
  3. Conduct medical camps for school students and to provide vitamin and iron tablets.
  4. Appoint a student counsellor for students and parents to cover a network schools in the local area.

We also gave the school 2 boxes of exercise books.

Sivashakthi Tamil Vidayalayam

Location: Galaha

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

We have been supporting the school for a number of years now with new principal being appointed as of the past few months.

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

  1. Provide a maths teacher for £7500/ month
  2. Provide scholarship papers at Rs 19,000
  3. Provide transport for O/L students to attend free tuition centre for additional support classes.

Upper Galaha School

Location: Galaha

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

We have been supporting this primary school which goes up to grade 5 for a few years now. There are currently 52 students attending the school.

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

  1. Increase the salary for 2 teachers who were appointed by us.
  2. Provide financial award gift to one student who passed the scholarship exam.

Little Valley Tamil Vidayalayam

Location: Deltota

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

This school has 200 students and last year, we provided a smart class room and also supported a student to go to secondary school (Rs 10000/ month).

Athavan Vidayalayam

Location: Loolcondura

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

We have been supporting this primary school in many ways over the past years.

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

  1. Provide extra scholarship classes.

Loolecondera Tamil Vidayalayam

Location: Loolcondura

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

  1. Provide exam papers for O/L
  2. Provide scholarship papers
  3. Support with extra classes
  4. Provide a new monitor.

Naranchinna Tamil Vidayalayam

Location: Delthota

Date: March 2024

Project Type: New

We have been supporting this primary school for 50 students for a number of years

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

  1. Regularly provide exercise books
  2. Provide 10 sets of model papers
  3. Appoint a voluntary teacher at Rs 5000/ month
  4. Donate a computer.
  5. Provide extra scholarship classes.

Kirimetiya Tamil Vidayalayam

Location: Nugaliadda

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

  1. Provide education tours for pupils and parents.
  2. Provide art material and a teacher
  3. Create a social competition
  4. Provide a counsellor
  5. Provide scholarship papers
  6. Provide gardening tools
  7. Provide exercise books.

Kalaivani Tamil Vidayalayam

Location: Pupuressa

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

There is a new principal at the Kalaivani Tamil Vidayalayam where 403 students are taughts up to O/L grade. Out of the 16 teachers, 5 are voluntary.

We have been helping the school over the last few years by providing extra classes for scholarship studetns in grade 9/10/11 and a photocopier machine.

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

  1. Provide 20 plastic chairs.
  2. Donate a computers.
  3. Provide exercise books for all years.

Abayam free tuition centre in Galaha

Location: Galaha

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

During our visit, we welcomed the new intake of students and met them with their parents and the school teachers.

We also provided lunch for everyone (around 220 people) and provided exercise books to all the students.

Following our visit, we agreed to their following requests:

We also met with few parents and discussed their needs which we are considering supporting.

Abayam free tuition centre at Sivapoomi Ashram

Location: Galaha

Date: March 2024 (update)

Project Type: Ongoing

While in the Hill Country, we interviewed 3 candidates for a new coordinator for the Abayam free tuition centre and appointed a successful candidate.

We also conducted individual feedback sessions with all 4 teachers, medical clinic coordinator and the Hill Country schools coordinator.

Explore Our Other Education Projects